
Check out what they have to say about Wendy…

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Motto (22 June 2017)

Motto, from the editors of Time Magazine, share an excerpt from Wendy Strgar’s latest book, Sex That Works, on the myriad of mental and physical benefits of masturbation. “Opening yourself up to more sexual pleasure will make you recognize the beauty in your body as it is, and inspire you to treat it better.”

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Health Magazine (22 June 2017)

How can masturbation transform your sex life? In an interview with Health Magazine, Wendy Strgar explains why owning your own pleasure is essential to healthy intimacy, a core concept in her latest book: Sex That Works .

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Mind Body Green (18 June 2017)

Good Clean Love Founder Wendy Strgar explains how our sexual fantasies have the potential to heal us, (if we recognize them.)

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Marie Claire (16 June 2017)

Wendy outlines these five bad technology habits that might be ruining your relationship. in an interview with Marie Claire. “Our attention is the most generous thing we can offer someone we love, which explains why feeling heard by someone is akin to feeling loved by them.”

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Hello Giggles (16 June 2017)

Wendy Strgar shares 5 ways to talk to your S.O. about improving your sex life without any feelings getting hurt.

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Organic Authority (12 June 2017)

In this interview with Organic Authority, Good Clean Love founder Wendy Strgar shares insights on how to keep sex explosive and satisfying even after 34 years of marriage.

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PETA (10 June 2017)

Breakthrough! Wendy Strgar’s pioneer work with PETA to fight animal testing has finally paid off. In a precedent-setting victory, Good Clean Love has eliminated the need for animal experiments previously mandated by the FDA approval. According to PETA, Good Clean Love has “opened the door for other companies to use non-animal tests.Read more about Wendy’s social entrepreneurship here.

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BRIDES (5 June 2017)

Is knowing your partners sexual history really important to your health? Your marriage?  In this interview with Brides, Wendy helps couples navigate these essential pre-marriage conversations surrounding sex, intimacy, and health.

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Mind Body Green (3 June 2017)

Sexier sex? Sounder sleep? Better mood? Masturbate! According to Wendy Strgar, “you can’t be fully well without being sexually well.” Get the facts about self-love.

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Savvy Women's Alliance (25 May 2017)

The Savvy Women’s Alliance empowers women to lead non-toxic lives with helpful resources and community support. Most recently they featured Wendy Strgar’s story on their blog: “Let’s talk about a woman who is breaking the taboos. Wendy Strgar has been making safer products for women, talking openly about healthy sex lives, and teaching women to be advocates for their sexual well being for years. “

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INSIDER (24 May 2017)

“If your relationship has been feeling a bit stilted lately, like you’re missing the excitement and energy you once had, don’t worry — the loveologist is in.” Wendy Strgar shares 5 ways to keep the romance alive.

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POPSUGAR (19 May 2017)

The secret to achieving orgasm? Wendy Strgar tells POPSUGAR: stop focusing on it so much. “Falling into the sexual process with no end goal in sight and really digging the sensational experiences of being touched, fondled, and kissing is where arousal wakes up and begins its mysterious journey to orgasm,…”

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Hello Giggles (8 May 2017)

Drawing on her book and strong emotional intelligence, Wendy Strgar shares five (healthy) ways to cope with a big breakup: “The truth about our feelings is that they need our attention, and once they are witnessed, they transform on their own.”

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Hello Giggles (2 May 2017)

Hello Giggles interviews Wendy Strgar to find out exactly what conversations couples should have before considering marriage.

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Mind Body Green (2 May 2017)

Wendy Strgar weaves autonomy, maturity, and confidence to explain how individuals who have fully embraced their sexuality are the most attractive partners of all.

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New York Times (19 April 2017)

Founder of Good Clean Love, Wendy Strgar, receives glowing New York Times review for her latest book, Sex That Works.

“Thoughtful, well-written … inspirational … Strgar makes very good points about how we confuse sexual freedom with sexual license, resulting in a hookup culture that has us faking orgasms like porn stars. Authentic sexual freedom, she writes, means ‘taking responsibility for our own sexual needs.’ This book shows us how to do just that …”

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She Spark (10 April 2017)

Wendy Strgar lists 6 tricks on how to slow things down in the bedroom.

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Third Age (10 April 2017)

Ready to revitalize your intimate connection to your spouse? Wendy’s shares her tips on how to regain intimacy after many years together.

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Mind Body Green (6 April 2017)

“One of the great mysteries of life is the way our sexual encounters—especially the most memorable and passionate ones—live outside of space and time. It’s almost as if time stands still and bends itself around the encounter.” Read more in Wendy’s piece, ‘The One Thing That Turns Ordinary Sex Into Extraordinary Lovemaking.’ 

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She Knows (4 April 2017)

“Our olfactory is the gateway sense for our memory, emotions, and sexual arousal. Whatever scents turn you on, use them to wake up your sexy feels.” – Wendy Strgar,  7 Ways Sex Pros Keep Things Fresh In the Bedroom.

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Chicago Fox News 32 (10 Mar 2017)

“If they’re old enough to ask the question, they’re old enough to have an answer.” Wendy Strgar explains the importance of teaching our children consent in a Chicago news interview about reducing college sexual assaults.

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Stylecaster (10 Feb 2016)

There are a variety of things that could go wrong that many people don’t anticipate, and that plenty of couples don’t head into a threesome situation for the right reasons or with appropriate expectations. Strgar lays out five guidelines for doing a threesome right.

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Kinkly (10 Feb 2017)

Wendy advocates speaking up and taking responsibility in your relationship in ‘Expert Tips for Taking the Pressure Off Valentine’s Day.‘ Why? “The fantasy that our partners should know what would make us happy keeps us from happiness.”

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Mind Body Green (2 Feb 2017)

“There isn’t one easy answer, pill, or toy that we can rely upon to consistently unlock the passionate sexual response we long for.” – Wendy Strgar delves deep in ‘Why Orgasm Is The Most Potent Form Of Meditation & How To Experience Its Transcendent Potential.

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Marie Claire (30 Jan 2017)

In ‘Two Sexperts on How To Upgrade Your Oral Sex Game’ Wendy Strgar provides great insight into female libido and stresses the importance of fantasy, aphrodisiacs, and mutual satisfaction.

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Stylecaster (15 Jan 2017)

“’Sometimes friendships that have a certain chemistry will slide right into friends-with-benefits, which sometimes doesn’t work out, if you’re looking for a relationship,’ says loveologist and sex educator Wendy Strgar, author of Love that Works: A Guide to Enduring Intimacy.”

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Essence Magazine (10 Jan 2017)

“According to Loveologist, founder of Good Clean Love and author of Sex That Works, Wendy Strgar, (…) achieving the culmination of all five sensory abilities can make your intimate time between the sheets even more mind-blowing.”

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Hello Beautiful (10 Jan 2017)

“Strgar told HB that many women don’t have the language to explore what sexy feels like to them. We confuse sexuality with being sexualized—meaning we see ourselves as sexy when someone else views us as sexy.”

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Stylecaster (20 Dec 2016)

“One of my best memories of my four pregnancies was how sexually awake I became.  You’re forced to try new positions to find what works.” – Wendy Strgar shares in ‘How to Have Awesome Sex While You’re Pregnant.’

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Forbes (16 Nov 2016)

“Strgar found she was persistently dry after the hormone-rocking births and nursing of her four children, “[but knew] that life without pleasure would not be sustainable.

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Ask Men (6 Nov 2016)

Is there such thing as a soulmate? How do you know when a relationship is right?  Wendy share some of her thoughts in an interview with Ask Men. “The relationship not only brings out the better selves of both partners but it also encourages the independence and freedom to evolve even more.  Often, people feel like this relationship is new to them, different from previous ones in the ways that it builds us up and gives us hope.”

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Thrillist Online (26 Oct 2016)

“Doubling your [foreplay] time will change not only the climax, but the relationship itself,” Strgar shares her philosophy of ‘slow sex‘ as a solution to the infamous orgasm gap.

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Elite Daily (25 Aug 2016)

In “5 Tips To Up Your Chances Of Having An Orgasm, According To A Sex Expert” Wendy Strgar shares all her knowledge on the mysterious O, (and what’s blocking you from attaining it.)

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COSMOPOLITAN (17 Aug 2016)

In a conversation about masturbation Wendy hones in on sexual autonomy. “The guy isn’t the magic,’ says Strgar. “We’re the magic.” “There’s only one way to learn about your sexuality, and that’s to dive right in.”

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Ask Men (13 Aug 2016)

“There are a lot of men who become dependent on this kind of stimulation to such a degree that they become unable to respond to intimacy with their partners,” – Wendy Strgar talks porn and relationships.

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Zoosk (3 July 2016)

In ‘Over 40 Dating Tips: What Changes and What Stays the Same’ Wendy concludes that, “As long as you’re taking care of yourself, staying active and staying positive, there’s no reason you won’t meet someone later in life.”

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Better After 50 (27 June 2016)

“Wendy received an email from [Jane] Fonda seeking insights into the organic lube business based on Wendy’s experience in building her company Good Clean Love.  Wendy flew from her home in Oregon to Los Angeles and met with Fonda and Tomlin on the set, where she regaled the stars with stories about why she started the company (out of her own need), why organic lubes are important (most lubes have petrochemicals that carry risks of vaginal infection and increased susceptibility to HIV and STD), and the need for frank talk about sex.”

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Latina (14 June 2016)

In ‘6 Techniques to Become Multi-Orgasmic Every Time’, Wendy Strgar shares tips from her book Sex That Works: A Woman’s Guide to Embracing the Erotic, Awakening Arousal, and Deepening Intimacy.

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Black And Married With Kids (9 June 2016)

“The solution, according to Strgar, isn’t just to purchase a lubricant (though it may help; it won’t solve your problem, she warns). She says couples need to invest more time in foreplay.”

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Whole Life Times (1 June 2016)

Wendy Strgar shares her philosophy of ‘slow sex‘: “Yet in spite of the enormous spending on ‘fast food’ virtual orgasms, I believe most of us would pay more for real, organic sex, the kind that changes you from the inside out. This rare breed of intimacy is the one that inspires songs and movie scripts, the kind of sex that grows out of a relationship in which you are connected as deeply in life as in the bedroom.”

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Oregon Business (24 May 2016)

“I always said the mission was to be a love company by providing products that are really healthy and inspire the lover in you.” – Wendy Strgar.

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Amazingy Magazine (8 April 2016)

Wendy Strgar shares her story and some loveologist wisdom in an interview with Amazingy Magazine. “When I think about it, about Good Clean Love, about sex, love, marriage, life, in the end it all comes down to this: In the final moments of your life, it’s all about the people that you love, and the people that love you.”

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The Register-Guard (13 March 2016)

“Wendy Strgar, founder of Good Clean Love, said she wished that she had had a place for her business and access to other entrepreneurs when she was starting out. So last year when she leased more space for Good Clean Love’s headquarters on West Fifth Avenue in Eugene, she remodeled a suite of offices and set up Bloom — a shared work space for women-owned ventures.”

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Fox 12 Oregon (7 March 2016)

Watch Wendy Strgar share tips on keeping the spark alive and relationships fresh on the news.

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Forbes (30 Jan 2016)

The story behind how Wendy Strgar’s pioneer struggle with the FDA earned Good Clean Love the first “Working for Regulatory Change” certification from PETA.

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Forbes (4 Feb 2015)

Wendy Strgar mentioned in “How Women Entrepreneurs Bypass Obstacles To Fund Innovation.”

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The Oregonian (24 Jan 2015)

“The 53-year-old former activist and educator first concocted the sexual lubricants in her kitchen in hopes of saving her marriage. She founded Good Clean Love in 2006, and has since expanded the line of vegan lubricants to include body oils and candies.”

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The Oregonian (22 Oct 2011)

Wendy Strgar’s mission hasn’t changed since the beginning. Read about her struggle and success as a social entrepreneur: “When people use my products, I want that to be because they are trying to love each other.”